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Pillow and Slant Markers

pillow and slant markers

Pillow & Slant Markers sit on a concrete foundation or on a granite base.

Pillow grave markers are similar to flat markers, but are 6-8 inches high, usually with a slightly slanted face created from having a higher back edge and shallow slope, and often sit on a base in the cemetery. Pillowed gravestones can be customized with sizes, shapes, and designs.

Slant headstones or "slanted memorials" have a serpentine top shape with a slanted face; the front, back and top are polished and the edges left as natural rock pitch. Slant markers are similar to an upright monument, but shorter and thicker; like uprights, they must sit on a foundation. Slants offer many options for design placement and personalization and make a fine choice for memorialization.


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